Work Environment and Mental Health


Work Environment and Mental Health

by Progga Paromita


All of us heard about work and business environment at least for one time, right? But, when we are working in an organization, whether the organization is government, profit or non-profit organization, did we ever think of our satisfaction levels and feedbacks? Don’t you think, if we have the perfect environment and mental breaks during working hours, we will be able to work harder?

Is my case, when I get proper mental satisfaction, I can do my typical works half of the time I normally take. So, I use half of my time for another work and this doubles my profit somehow. Yes, it’s a good tactic to maximize the profits in business terms. But on the other hand, it fulfills our mental and emotional requirements.

Nope, this time I ain’t here to write about some typical theories and all. I am here to share a real life story to the audience. I hope, you will be able to relate your lives with this story. Let me make you think about your typical work life which is very normal in our continent, but not reliable enough for present days. We aren’t actually aware of it, we don’t have proper education, resources and situations to make it work. But what if, our single steps can change the whole system?? Let’s start the story first.

 Graphics by Md Wakif Alam


Rosy was very happy when she got selected for the new internship program on a new non-profit organization named PANDA. She was in the first batch of this internship program was experienced with numerous organizations, UN and even government organizations. For some previous trauma regarding her work sectors, she wasn’t mentally stable and wasn’t ready to put enough effort to PANDA. She was afraid, what if her efforts go in a vein?? What if she again get used and ditched by this organization? As the organization was new, she knew nothing about it.

At the starting of her internship, she was very lazy to work, she couldn’t get the previous energy she had once while working with this organization. But she noticed, all the members of this organization and her supervisors are being very friendly, easy and providing her everything she wanted in her work sector or working life. She was quite surprised. Even she had the “Freedom of Work” which she was craving for from her previous organizations; but never got that. She started to feeling guilty and thought of summing herself up so that she could get back to her previous self, also get all the spirits back she had before.

she knocked one of her supervisors to share everything happened previously. “brother, can I ask you for some of your valuable time?? Not much, just few minutes if you are free now”

Her supervisor replied, “yes, why not?! I’m free now.” (Rosy noticed she was always having them free when she knocked for anything)

Rosy started splitting off everything.

“brother, I know I am not working perfectly and wasting a lot of time. But I need to share some issues and my previous trauma with you. This is the right time to tell you about the issues I have faced before,” she started.

“I used to be very active, dedicated and hard-working before. When my university life started, I joined a lot of clubs and I was very dedicated to one particular club l used to consider as my family. I worked as if I don’t have anything else in my life. Even I started being careless about my academic sectors. I started missing my presentations, exams, classes and started becoming sick. I hardly sleep, eat or study. My concentration was only into that club for no reason. Here, they started taking me for granted.

But I slowly realized I was just wasting my time. Their real face started coming before me. They were very rude and wanted their people to work dying. I remember, when I said that I had an exam and that’s why I was 30 minutes late in the meeting, the whole senior team started to mock on me and laughing like hell. I almost cried that day out of that rigorous insult. Then they started making issues about my personal life as if they bought me somehow. They were pointing out every single thing about my personal life. Why I dress like this, why I eat this, why I do this, even when they saw any guy with me, they used to ask me that if he was my boyfriend or how many boyfriends I had. They pointed me out as a characterless person. They were accusing that I was unprofessional when even I was working hard like hell and even went to the hospital because, I hardly had time for myself.

I even had no ‘Freedom of Work’ and had to follow every single thing they ordered me to do. I have invested two years on that club and then quit. After that, I started to have break downs and mental issues and also started to avoiding all the institutions I used to worked into. even I became suicidal out of serious trauma. But brother, the love I got from the PANDA team, I guess I will be able to recover soon.”

Her supervisor again comforted her asked her to take a break or talk to them when she needed to. She even took a break of 27 days in a row in the 120 days of internship and even that time the members of PANDA tried to help her out, comforted her every single moment! Rosy had the “Freedom of Work” and she even started working on ideation and creative wings. For PANDA, her whole working life has changed and she has never been happier before. She had recovered a lot for their nursing and ‘Work Friendly Environment’ as PANDA practice different work culture. Now Rosy is an executive member of PANDA and she is still working with them happily.


What do you think?? Did I make you think about your work environment for even once?? Yes, this is very normal and we are used to with this typical work environment. but be honest, are you happy with that? Definitely Rosy was not. She kept fighting before she could find her preferable place. We all can make a simple change like her, can’t we??

Can you guess who Rosy is?? Leaving it onto you. I believe, if we start with ourselves, we may be able to change the typical organizational ethics. Even it’s changing every day; mostly for the mental requirements. I am leaving several questions to you this time and will be back with another part soon. That would be a bit informative and theoretical. But hopefully I will be able to change your mind a bit.

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